

BOTANY 2023 - PUI Faculty and Future Faculty Conference Awards

The Botanical Society of America and PUI section are pleased to offer 8 travel awards in the amount of $250 each for BOTANY 2023 July 22-26, 2023, in Boise, Idaho. A PUI is defined as colleges and universities that award fewer than 20 Ph.D. degrees in all NSF-supported fields during a two-year period. The $250 award is open to all PUI faculty members and graduate students/postdoctoral researchers interested in a career at a PUI. The grant-funded award to open to all U.S. resident PUI faculty members and graduate students/postdoctoral researchers interested in a career at a PUI

You must have a current BSA membership in order to apply. Click here for more information.


PUI faculty and future faculty (e.g. graduate students and post-docs) who conduct (or will conduct) mentored undergraduate research are strongly encouraged to apply. U.S. Residency is not a requirement to apply.

Login above and then click the blue button below to start the award application process. 


Application open date
Mar 22, 2023, 00:00 AM America/Los_Angeles
Application close date
May 7, 2023, 23:59 PM America/Los_Angeles


Evaluation open date
May 8, 2023, 00:00 AM America/Los_Angeles
Evaluation close date
May 15, 2023, 23:59 PM America/Los_Angeles

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