

Create application

Application - 2025 - BSA / ASPT Botanical Advocacy and Service Grant
Put the following materials together as a single .pdf: 1. One-page description of the proposed efforts and their anticipated impact. 2. One-page budget to show how the funds will be used.
Allowed file extensions: jpg, png, pdf

By checking this box you indicate that you understand the following: These demographic data will be used as a tool to assess demographic patterns in the pool of applicants each year and over time in comparison with our overall BSA membership demographics, and aggregate responses will be used to assess variation between the composition of the applicant pools and the awardee population. Your answers to the questions below will not be visible to the review committee during proposal evaluation, and we will not use demographic data at any point in the decision-making process for awards. It is our intention to better understand our population and any changes in these populations in response to ongoing efforts to increase equity and inclusivity across the BSA. This analysis will allow us to better inform and target DEI initiatives in the future. BSA recognizes that these personal data must remain private and must be stored securely.

Please see the BSA Data Privacy and Transparency Policy for more details. Any data pulled for subsequent analysis is and will continue to be anonymized.

If you selected "Other" above, please provide your response here.
If you selected "Other" above, please provide your response here.
Save: When you want to save your work and come back to complete it later.
Complete: Save your work and mark it "complete", so it can be evaluated and scored.

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