

BOTANY 2023 - Development and Structural Section Student Travel Award

The Developmental & Structural Section of the Botanical Society of America is pleased to announce 2 student travel awards. Each award will cover both the student's in-person registration fee and a $500 travel award in support of attendance at the BOTANY 2023 conference.


The award is available to graduate students presenting a paper or poster with developmental & structural content at the BOTANY 2023, July 22-26, 2023. Please visit for more information about BOTANY 2023 and the abstract submission process.

Login above and then click the blue button below to start the award application process.  


Application open date
Apr 3, 2023, 00:00 AM America/Los_Angeles
Application close date
Apr 21, 2023, 23:59 PM America/Los_Angeles


Evaluation open date
Apr 22, 2023, 00:00 AM America/Los_Angeles
Evaluation close date
May 15, 2023, 23:59 PM America/Los_Angeles

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