BSA will be providing 10 travel awards to students and postdocs to attend BOTANY 2025 – Botany without Barriers, July 26-30, Palm Springs, CA, in the amount of $595 USD. For more information, click here.
Eligible applicants must be a member of the BSA and must present a talk or poster at the conference. Funds will be disbursed at the conference. Applications are to be made through the BSA awards portal and will not be accepted after March 15.
Recipients will be randomly selected from the list of applicants, and awardees will be informed of the outcome by email.
Because BSA travel funds are limited, we respectfully request that students and postdocs with well-funded advisors and institutions not apply so that these funds may go to those with the greatest financial needs, who otherwise have no other sources of funding to attend the conference.
Login above and then click the blue button below to start the award application process.
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